講座名稱:Efficient Detection of OTFS Modulation
講座時間:2019-09-05 10:30:00
講座人:Emanuele Viterbo
學習經(jīng)歷:1995年于意大利Politecnico di Torino獲得博士學位。
工作經(jīng)歷:1995年-1997年 European Patent Office;1997年-1998年 Information Sciences Research Center of AT&T Research;1998年-2005年 Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino;2006年-2009年 University of Calabria。
學術成就:1997年獲得NATO Advanced Fellowship。IEEE Fellow。國際期刊IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, European Transactions on Telecommunications和 Journal of Communications and Networks的副主編。國際期刊IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING 特刊Managing Complexity in Multiuser MIMO Systems的客座主編。
Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation is very effective in high Doppler channels by transmitting the information signals in the delay-Doppler domain rather than in thetime–frequency domain. Moreover, OTFS provides uniform channel gains across all the transmitted signals thus ensuring the same SNR for all input signals. In this talk, we present the explicit relation between OTFS transmit and receive signals for the delay–Doppler channel with a limited number of paths with delay and Doppler. In particular, we analyze the effect of fractional Doppler on the received signal and show how it causes inter Doppler interference (IDI). We then propose a low-complexity iterative algorithm based on message passing that effectively detects the information signals by canceling IDI. Furthermore, the message passing algorithm complexity scales linearly and can be applied to large-scale OTFS systems. Simulation results show that the OTFS with the proposed algorithm greatly outperforms the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) schemes in typical wireless channels.