講座名稱:Strict neighbor-distinguishing edge coloring of graphs
講座人:王維凡 教授
地點:騰訊會議直播(ID:564 958 528)
王維凡,浙江師范大學資深教授,博士生導師。1998年7月于南京大學數(shù)學系獲得博士學位,1999年1月至2000年12月在臺灣中央研究院數(shù)學研究所從事博士后研究。主要從事圖論與組合優(yōu)化方面的研究,主持國家自然科學基金11項 (其中重點1項)、科技部“中法先進研究計劃”項目1項,發(fā)表SCI學術論文260余篇。獲教育部高校科學研究優(yōu)秀成果獎二等獎1項、浙江省科學技術獎二等獎1項、浙江省自然科學學術獎一等獎1項。曾任中國數(shù)學會理事、中國工業(yè)與應用數(shù)學會理事、中國運籌學會圖論組合分會理事長、浙江省數(shù)學會副理事長、浙江師范大學學術委員會副主任、基礎數(shù)學--省重點學科負責人、計算機科學與技術--省重中之重學科負責人?,F(xiàn)為浙江師范大學數(shù)學博士后流動站負責人、數(shù)學研究所所長。
A proper edge-coloring of a graph G is strict neighbor-distinguishing if for any two adjacent vertices u and v, the set of colors used on the edges incident with u and the set of colors used on the edges incident with v are not included in each other. The strict neighbor distinguishing index χ_snd^' (G) of G is the minimum number of colors in a strict neighbor-distinguishing edge-coloring of G. In this talk, we investigate the strict neighbor-distinguishing edge coloring of general graphs, planar graphs, K_4-minor-free graphs, and outerplanar graphs. We also discuss the related coloring problems of graphs, including neighbor-distinguishing edge coloring and local neighbor-distinguishing edge coloring. Some open problems will be provided.