講座名稱:On an integrable multi-component Camassa-Holm system arising from Mobius geometry
講座人:康靜 教授
地點:騰訊會議 194409278 密碼: 123456
In this talk, we mainly study the geometric background, integrability and peaked solutions of a (1+n)-component Camassa-Holm (CH) system and some related multi-component integrable systems. Firstly, we show this system arises from the invariant curve flows in the Mobius geometry and serves as the dual integrable counterpart of a geometrical (1+n)-component KdV system in the sense of tri-Hamiltonian duality. Moreover, we obtain an integrable two-component modified CH system using a generalized Miura transformation. Finally, we provide a necessary condition, under which the dual integrable systems can inherit the Backlund correspondence from the original ones.